Despite our best efforts, many of us don’t get enough of the essential nutrients that our bodies need. Creating a diet plan that addresses all of your nutritional needs can be difficult and time-consuming, and not everyone has the ability to cook and prepare elaborate meals on a regular basis. This is part of why the majority of American adults take at least one type of nutritional or dietary supplement. However, with so many brands and products to choose from, it can be difficult to know what will work best for you. If you’re serious about making healthier choices, you may want to order custom vitamin kits from VitaRx.

What is VitaRx and why should you sign up?


VitaRx is an innovative company that provides personalized daily vitamin packs based on answers you provide about your lifestyle, background, and wellness priorities. The company was founded to make it easier and more accessible for people to find products that help them reach their health and fitness goals. Though many of us want to improve our daily routine, it can be difficult to find the time to search for the products and information that can help us do so.

Another reason so many people are impressed with VitaRx is their commitment to giving back. For every VitaRx purchase, the company makes a 1-for-1 donation to provide a pregnant woman or child with nutritional support. The Vitamin Angels program has already helped 60 million women and children in more than 65 countries.

VitaRx makes it so all you have to do is fill out a short assessment and wait to receive your custom kit in the mail every month. Before adding any new products to your daily routine, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor for medical advice first. Your doctor can provide more specific medical advice about how different supplements can affect any health conditions you have or interact with medications that you’re currently taking.

Why are nutrients so important to our overall wellness?

Your body is always working and performing the necessary functions that keep you alive. Understandably, this can require a significant amount of energy. That energy and support are provided primarily by essential nutrients. Some popular options include vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and magnesium. There are many more supplements available, and finding the right regimen may take some trial and error.


Beyond the major nutrients, there are also micronutrients that your body requires. They’re called micronutrients because you only need a small amount of them, but if you fail to maintain an adequate quantity of these micronutrients, you’re at high risk for several diseases. Rickets, scurvy, and even blindness have all been linked to vitamin deficiencies.

Nutritional deficiencies can also impact your mental health. Depression, the most common mental health condition among U.S. adults, has been specifically associated with vitamin deficiency. One supplement that can be beneficial for cognitive function is folic acid, which helps the body make healthy red blood cells. Low levels of folate have also been connected to depression.

Companies like VitaRx fill an important void for millions of people who want to take their health more seriously but don’t know what steps they should take. Instead of doing all the legwork yourself and buying the products you want individually, you can simply take their short assessment and get personalized vitamin packs delivered right to your door. Given that the adverse effects of vitamin deficiencies can be severe, you shouldn’t allow your nutritional needs to fall by the wayside. There are few things that are more important than making lifestyle choices that support and protect your health and wellness.